Huawei Y7p (ARTH-L29N) Stock Firmware
- Build: ART-LGRP2-OVS
- Size: 2.91GB
- Type: update_full_base
- dl times: 265
Full Guide on How to Install Stock Firmware on Huawei Y7p ARTH-L29N
Pre-Requisite :- First of all, Download the Update Package
- Recommended: Format the Micro SD card (This operation is optional).
- Now Unzip the Update.zip package and
- Copy the entire dload folder (with UPDATE.APP in it) to the root directory of the Micro SD card.
- Now on your phone, Open the dialer and call ->enter: *#*#2846579#*#*
->ProjectMenu->Software Upgrade->SDCard Upgrade->OK,
- Now select the Update.app that you moved to SD Card (root directory).
- Now you will see a screen which shows the installation process.
- Wait until the installation process completes.
- When the progress bar stop, the phone will restart automatically
- In case if you have the Data File and you want to flash it, then, first of all, delete the earlier moved update.app from the dload folder
- then you can extract the second file (update_data_Xxxxx) from above and move the new update.app to the dload folder.
- repeat the same 4-8 Steps above.
- That's it! You have Installed Stock Firmware on Huawei Smartphone.
Notic: Please keep in mind that, you must flash your Huawei Y7p ARTH-L29N at your own risk and also full responsible with you.
Please be informed that Huawei-Update.com only share the official firmware WITHOUT ANY modifications.
- Huawei Huawei Y7p stock firmware
- Huawei ARTH-L29N flash file
- Huawei ARTH-L29N firmware download
- Huawei Huawei Y7p flash file download
- Huawei Huawei Y7p rom update
- Huawei ARTH-L29N firmware update
- Huawei Huawei Y7p rom update
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